WIggleEarth - Latest version 1.0 Beta

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WIggleEarth is a tool for analyzing Kismet output files. Kismet is an 802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system and can be found at http://www.kismetwireless.net/ . WIggleEarth converts Kismet cvs file output into GoogleEarth kml files, allowing 3D visualization of wireless networks. Networks can also be displayed on a 2D "Visualizer" with full color satellite imagery. Keep in mind this tool is still in beta.


Stable Version

The latest stable version of WIggleEarth is version 1.0 Beta and was released on 20 Oct 2005. These are the currently available files:

wiggle.zip source code MD5 BC6F23F109E56C96BA6CC75F74622070
wiggleearth.exe binary (.net 2.0) MD5 01BC77E25A9EE0EB5A7CA57487A48726
SampleKismetData sample data files MD5 683E5FE1E4AF19539D98A6F7BF4355E7

Note: You must have .net 2.0 Beta installed. You can get the runtime environment at (dotnetfx.exe V2.0.50215.45): Microsoft Download Site


About the developer

WIggleEarth was written by Bret Padres. Bret is currently enjoying life as a government contractor in the network security field.

Please send all correspondence regarding WIggleEarth to Bret Padres at bret [at] killerhippo.com.


The developer wisheds to thank, in no particular order.

Nick Harbour for inspiration and help with the math functions for converting lat/lon to a pixel location.
Ken Bradley for cheering me on.
Ovie Carroll for alpha testing.


This program and its author have no affiliation with Google or GoogleEarth.